Our Heartbeat
The core values that guide how and why we do things.
We are excited to be with you as we allow God to grow our hearts for Jesus, for each other, for River Valley Church and for our communities.
Relationship Over Religion
A personal and intimate relationship with Jesus is what it is all about. We are not after religion that blinds and restricts. Instead we are after Jesus who frees.
Grace Over Judgement
Jesus loves us with all our messes. He sets us free from the traps of criticism & comparison. Because of Him, we are more than enough and we look at others with those same eyes. Grace always wins.
Character Over Gifting
Talent is good. Gifting is great. But Christ-like character is the most important thing of all. We desire a posture of teachability, humility, authenticity and honor, and that is how we live, love, and lead.
Presence Over Performance
Striving for excellence is important. But if the focus is on performance we miss what is most important to God. That we draw near to Him. That we seek His presence above all!
Making A Difference As We Love People
We love big, therefore we give big. We are built on the foundation of giving and generous hearts. We GET to give. It is our joy. Love is an action, and we strive for excellence in everything we do.